Mission | Purpose

Our Mission

In a world where dysfunction seems pervasive, every individual has the choice to perpetuate the patterns passed down generationally, or to find a means to reconfigure the blueprint of behaviors that have been exemplified within our families over the course of many years.

Though we have evolved as people scientifically, the complexities of emotional wrangling still exist – particularly when we see the deterioration of family unity as a result of parents who have disengaged from one another through separation or divorce.  I seek to eradicate the barriers to family harmony and, at all costs, shall attempt to heal what was once divided.

Change starts with you! Like a ripple effect of tossing a stone into a motionless body of water, the rings that form eventually expand until the transformation in the water becomes visible and expansive. My intentions are to demonstrate how to emulate the impact of that stone, not on the water, but rather within our relationships.

My mission? My legacy? I will be a game changer!


Our Purpose

To provide families with awareness and education that long-term effects of separation, or alienation of children from their parents, can ultimately transform into generational behaviors.

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged. Colossians 3:21